H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred

002: How to Transform Your Life in 3 Simple Ways with Rob Wergin

August 12, 2022 Dr. Fred Episode 2

 “You think you know what's wrong with you and you don't. So just stop thinking about what you don't want, be in surrender, and let God take care of you. -Rob Wergin 

We often think that changing our current situation is hard and complicated. We believe that we need to have a lot of knowledge and skills to make a change. We also think that it will take a lot of time and effort to see any results.

However, the reality is that changing our current situation is actually simple. We don't need to know everything, and we don't need to do it all by ourselves. The truth is that we can create the life we want if we just keep it simple, because it is. 

In this episode, Dr. Fred interviews Healer and Divine Conduit for Divine Energies, Rob Wergin. Rob didn’t know it at the time, but when he was a kid, he had a unique ability— an ability that his family didn’t accept. As a result, Rob forgot who he was and tried to conform to what others wanted for him. He became a very successful businessman, but behind the curtains, he was depressed and in pain— until he found himself again.

Listen in as Dr. Fred and Rob shares Rob shares 3 simple ways we can transform our life and build a much better future. They also talk about how we can rediscover our true selves, heal the broken parts of our life, start anew, and give our 1000% in that moment of surrender— when we are ready to let go of the control and let the Divine take care of us. 

Episode Highlights:

04:31 Finding Out It Wasn’t Normal!

12:13 Fixing What Was Broken 

19:14 Rediscovering Who You Are! 

28:22 Starting Out Anew

35:45 Give It Your 1000%

40:28 3 Steps to Transform Your Life

44:19 The Moment of Surrender




We think it’s complicated and hard— but it’s not. Listen in as @drfred100m and Divine Conduit for Divine Energies Rob Wergin talk about how we can heal and transform our life in 3 simple ways.

#HEALED #newpodcast  #lifetransformation #health #hope #hope #faith #believe 


03:15 “Today, you need stamina. Hope gives you stamina.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

03:47 “Let all this energy that's going on right now help us let go of the past so we can create a different future.” -Rob Wergin 

05:16 “Let God let God do what God does.” -Rob Wergin 

11:39 “When we were young, we come in with these gifts. We know who we are. But then we listen to other people who don't understand who God created us to be. And then we make a decision.”  -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

15:31 “I have absolute faith and trust and belief that when I asked God for help, the help would occur.” -Rob Wergin 

16:31 “God wants to hire you.” -Rob Wergin 

17:44 “The hardest thing for driven people is that surrender is the number one lesson we're supposed to learn.”  -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

34:06 “I have to learn to get completely out of the way and completely trust and have faith.” -Rob Wergin

38:07 “Keep it simple because it is. You can't explain it so don't try. Just trust it. -Rob Wergin 

39:12 “When you have faith, God works through you.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

44:54 “You think you know what's wrong with you and you don't. So just stop thinking about what you don't want, be in surrender, and le

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Hey, welcome to HEALED with Dr. Fred Podcast. I'm Dr. Fred, and HEALED is six simple steps to heal your life. And the reason we do this podcast, we have great leaders and healers, and I'm so honored today to have a man that has a fascinating story, to bring your story of what we've all lived through. The challenges, and the pain, and how we realize man that everything has a reason, and we come into this world with a gift and be able to finally part that veil and find out two most important days in our life, I think it was a Mark Twain or something said that the day we're born and then the day we find out why we're born. You're gonna hear an amazing--

Rob Wergin: Forever do.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, hopefully. And so you're gonna hear an amazing story today from truly a man that I found through the Heal. I was introduced to Rob Wergin through the Heal documentary which spans all over the world. He's a hands-on healer. You'll hear his amazing story of how he made it through his challenges and now really uses the divinity that not only is you but moves through, to lay hands on people and not that you do up and how God uses you as a vessel to be able to heal people. So many things, terminal diseases, I mean, you can't even name them. All right, A through Z, and then maybe the Hebrew alphabet on top. So I'm just honored that you would take the time and share your story with us. So thank you for being here.

Rob Wergin: Thank you. I always enjoy being with folks like you to share the energy to give people hope. Part of my role is to give people hope because many people lost all hope, they've lost all faith because of their life experiences and I'm really here to partially help bring that back because it's a big part of the healing process.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, absolutely. And one of the reasons that I'm starting this podcast is because when you look at today's world, I think today is one of the most, God, it's like, you need stamina, hope, needs to give you stamina, all the things. I mean, if you don't have faith today, like Romans 12, 12:2, I think it says do not conform to the patterns of the world because they're freaking dangerous out there, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Rob Wergin: I love it when people say, can we just go back to the way we were before COVID? I'm like, why would you want to do that? How about we go forward to the way we can be instead of the way we were and let all this energy that's going on right now help us let go of the past so we can create a different future. But we're crazy as human. So you know, whatever.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, I always say, what's happening is the curtain is being pulled back. Because ultimately, that kind of Lord's Prayer, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and that's why we are creating that new world. You are certainly part of it. Want to create a movement of higher consciousness so we can all do this together. So we'd love to hear your story. It's a fascinating story. I know you came into this world with some gifts that you were becoming conscious of and then went through a whole life, so I guess we'll start from the beginning.

Rob Wergin: Okay, let's start from the beginning. So I was born into a very religious Missouri Synod Lutheran German family. So my parents were, I mean, as religious as one could get, everything was about church, everything was about the Bible, everything was about prayer. And so that's how I was raised. I remember, it's been fun for me to go back and look at how my life evolved and all the things that happened, but what I remember about being a child is a couple of things. One, that we were taught to pray, obviously. And so I would look up into the sky and say, God, please, whatever. And then I also learned that we just get out of the way and let God do what God does which I carry that forward to now in my work. But as a child, I just thought, that's what we did. And so what began to happen, one, I probably for, I don't know, maybe earlier, I could see spirits, I could see dead people, I could see my ancestors around my parents, and I could see things around animals, and I just thought everybody could. And I'm a little boy, and that's what little boys do. And then it turned into me walking outside. We lived in the Black Hills of South Dakota so I used to walk out on this little hill behind my house and I would constantly find birds or animals. Fox, even some bigger animals that were hurt or were sick and I just thought I would do what my parents taught me to do. I look up and say, guy, would you please help this fox. And then the Fox would look at me and I looked at the Fox, and seemed like it was okay. And I put my hand just somewhere on the Fox and I'd feel all this energy come blasting through my body and my hand would vibrate and the Fox would vibrate. And then all of a sudden, it would stop and the Fox would get up and walk away and was fine. I go, thank you, God. I thought that's what we did.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Like that amazing and that was normal.

Rob Wergin: I thought it was completely normal. I thought, well, this is cool. I'm just doing what my parents taught me to do this. I'm praying and asking God to help and God's helping, and I'm saying thank you, this is great. And that went on for a while and I didn't really say much about it. But I had an older brother who got great joy in getting me in trouble. I always got blamed if he broke the window with a baseball, he was mean and he loved to get him in trouble. And so he would run home and tell my mom that I was doing that thing and then she would question me about what thing that I was doing. And I said, I'm just asking God to help the rabbit and the rabbit got better. And she's, my mom was really strict and kind of mean. She's like, why are you making up stories? That's not true. You know it's not true. And I'm like, yes, it is. Well, that went on for a while. And so finally, kind of the thing that set her off completely was one day, I thought I was going to be a veterinarian when I was a kid because I loved animals so much. And I was out walking around and I found this little nest with some baby mice in it. I think there were six baby mice in it and they were dead. They hadn't been in very long because they still had some body temperature and I started crying because I didn't want these mice to die. And so I picked up the nest, I know that sounds bizarre, but this is how I recall it. So I think it's pretty true. 

I ran home and went into the kitchen and asked my mom if she could put a blanket in the dryer to heat it up because I wanted to help these mice not die. And she was of course freaked out that I brought mice in the house, and that wasn't a good star. She said: "They're already dead, just let them go." And I'm like, no, but I don't want them to die. And I said: "I'm going to ask God to save these mice." And so I looked up and said: "God, please don't let these mice die. They're just babies, they don't deserve to die. They didn't do anything wrong." I put my hands around them, and after a couple of seconds, they started moving around. And my mom liked that very much. I just thought that I was doing what I was taught. I was asking God, and God was doing something, and I was grateful.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I mean, that makes sense. But the generation before us was so narrow. I mean, I'm all Italian so we were hardcore Catholic. But I grew up the same as you. We were taught to pray at home, we were taught a relationship, and then we'd go to church and you're taught religion. So it's like at home, God wants to bless you in church, you're a sinner and you'll never be good enough.

Rob Wergin: You're gonna burn.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That's why I was a pyro when I was young.

Rob Wergin: So anyway, that kind of pushed my mom over the side and the next thing I knew, I was in the Lutheran church there in Rapid City, South Dakota, surrounded by the elders and the minister screaming at me because my mom thought I was possessed. They're throwing holy water and yelling at the devil to get out, and I'm crying. I don't understand because all I'm doing is asking God and I don't get it. I think I was about seven years old. Their version of an exorcism on me, which I didn't feel any different. I just felt upset. I couldn't understand why I was being told not to talk to God. That didn't make any sense to me, but you can't argue with pastors and parents when you're seven years old. You just can't win. So pretty much over the next couple of weeks, or months, or whatever, I would still do my thing and my brother would still run in and tell my mom that I was still doing that thing. The plastic hairbrush that she used to smack me with got a good workout a lot because I kept doing my thing. And finally, it just kind of faded away. So now, I'm like seven or eight years old. I'm just a normal kid and I was clairvoyant. I mean, I could see things, hear things. It was pretty cool. And all of a sudden, I was just a normal kid. I honestly forgot. I forgot that. I forgot all about that and went on with life. I struggled with huge depression. I tried to kill myself when I was like in my 30's, and I had all kinds of emotional issues. I was in therapy, and I was miserable. In my life, I was really successful on the outside, but completely destroyed on the inside.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Can I interrupt you for one sec? Because your story is so applicable to people that are listening. We're young, we come in with these gifts. Like we know who we are, but then we may listen to other people, like our parents or whatever, and then we take on these beliefs, they don't understand. They don't understand who God created us to be. They're operating either on the system, and then we make a decision. When you made that decision and then that clairvoyance was gone, the gift is still in there. But for those listeners, when did you make a decision where that gift all of a sudden got veiled?

Rob Wergin: Well, what happened was, fast forward through my life, I was very successful as a CEO and very successful as a businessman. And looking back now, I always knew things. I just thought I was really smart, but it wasn't me. It's easy to see that now. Wasn't easy to see through my ego then. And so I spent my whole life climbing the money power game living in the most expensive houses, wearing the most expensive watches. We're having a Porsche, a BMW, and a Cadillac, and a Harley Davidson all in the same place in my garage, and it was insane. I didn't have a religion. I would tell people I was atheists because I turned after what happened when I was a child. I wasn't a mean person, I was just driven by money and power. I think it was on my 51st birthday and right after that. I won't go into the personal part of it, but I had everything that I'd take in my whole life to earn stolen from me. And so I went from a multimillionaire to a completely poor person in like one day.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Wow.

Rob Wergin: When you're 51 years old and you're thinking about the house, you're gonna buy an Aspen and the house you're gonna buy in Montecito, and are you gonna retire and drive your Porsche around and stuff. And all of a sudden, everything's gone. And I was a guy, that's a pretty difficult thing. So I did what probably a lot of people did. I turn to alcohol and pain pills and use them both to keep myself numb. I did that for about three and a half years. I would go work, and then go home and be a completely different person. And so on February of 2003, I had enough and I once again attempted to kill myself. So not once, but twice that I tried to end my life. That actually happened right down the road from where I'm at now in Seal Beach, California. I took a bunch of pills and walked out on the beach and thought, well, it's a good place to die. I'll just die on the beach. I felt good that day. I thought I'm finally out of here. This is going to get some relief. All of a sudden, I started to feel a presence around me. I started seeing angels and beings and I thought that I was crazy. I thought that the drugs were giving me that kind of insane. Whatever, right? Like I'm hallucinating. I must have drank too much or whatever. I just thought it was fake. And then all of a sudden, they started talking to me. And then all of a sudden, I felt like I was being held with unconditional love by all these beings, and I just laid on the beach for a while and wept. And finally, I remember saying, what is it you want from me? What am I supposed to do? I don't understand what's happening. I was told to remember what I did as a child, which I didn't at the time. I was told to do exactly the same thing, to ask God for help, believe, have absolute faith, trust and belief that when I asked God for help, the help would occur. And I wish to get out of the way, and then be grateful. Very simple. 

And of course, when you've taken some pills and you're emotionally a mess, you think you're hallucinating. Even a simple little, these are the three things you have to do. What? So they said, no, you have to make a decision. And again, I don't know if I'm hallucinating this at that moment or not. I don't know if I'm hallucinating and telling you that it's something I was hallucinating. I can prove it. I just know that all of a sudden, they said that you need to make a decision. And I said: "What do you mean?" And they said: "You made a decision an hour ago and your life. We need to know if that's what you still want to do? Or do you want to take this job, so to speak, except our job offer? Or do you want to die?"

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: God wants to hire you. What do you think?

Rob Wergin: You want to accept? Do you want to die? I think it's your choice. And I'm like, I don't want to die. I mean, that's a very quick version. But that's how it started, February 22, 2003.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Wow.

Rob Wergin: And I had no idea what a healer did. I'd never been to a healer. I'd been to a psychic, and that's about as far as I'd gotten in the spiritual world. I was confused. And so I went home and I said, What am I supposed to do? And they said, Go to Sedona. I don't want to go. I don't need a vacation. I need help. Let's just go to Sedona. And so I'm like, you know what? If I'm going to follow what I've been asked to do, then I just need to surrender and do whatever they ask me to do. So I went to Sedona.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Can I interrupt?

Rob Wergin: Absolutely.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Because you just said something so powerful. Because we get this great command that we know in our heart, and then what our mind immediately does, I can't do?

Rob Wergin: I can't do that.  I'm like, I can't afford to do that. That's stupid. Why would I go to Sedona?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, the hardest thing for someone like you that's driven, for driven people, surrender is the number one lesson we're supposed to learn.

Rob Wergin: Yeah. So I went to Sedona. I had enough money to be there for like two days and I ended up being there for like three weeks. Because people, all these coincidences happened. I would meet people and say, I'm getting a vision, you should go sit in this cave, and I'd go sit in this cave and all these beings would come and talk to me. I still didn't know if I was insane. There was a part of me that was trying to convince me that I had lost my mind. And I still didn't remember my childhood. I still had no recollection of what happened when I was a kid. That was kind of how it all started. I came back to Seal Beach after a few weeks, I went back down to the beach because I thought that was my telephone booth to God because I've been able to talk to God on that spot. Standing there going, what do you want me to do? And they're like, get business cards printed, put them up and people will come to you. I'm like, well, that's nice, but I don't know what I'm gonna do when they come. And they're like, don't worry about it. And like, easy for you to say. I would say things like that to these beings that are talking to me like, easy for you to say. So anyway, people started showing up at my house.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Okay, let's get a little more detail on that. So you started showing up like you're just sitting there on the couch and somebody knocks on your door?

Rob Wergin: I'll give you the details because the details are really interesting. I'm paying attention because I've been one of those people that's really curious so I pay attention. I've made business cards and put them up. Used to be, so Whole Foods now, but it used to be a different kind of health food store on the bulletin board. I put some cards up and I thought I'm crazy. I don't know what I'm going to do. I got home after putting them up and my phone rang and this woman said: "Hi, may speak to Robin?" I'm like, speaking. And she said: "Hi, I'd like to make an appointment." And I said something really brilliant like, for what? I was paranoid. I thought you're gonna try to sell me some life insurance, or Amway, or something. I don't know why you want to make an appointment. And like, for what? She said: "For a healing." Like, really? Oh, you saw my cards? And she's like, huh, what cards? And so I said: "Aren't you at the market?" And she goes, I'm like, downtown LA, and you're in Seal Beach. And no, I don't even know where you're talking about. I said: "Well, how'd you find out about me?" And she said: "Your assistant told me." And I said: "My assistant? Really?" I'm like, what she look like? And then I'm trying to pretend like I'm cool. I'm like, what she look like? I've got more than one. Oh, it's that little old lady. Had a white dress, a white hair and shoes, really kind. And this woman was on a bus sitting in the handicap chair and she said, this woman came up next to her because she was crying and said: "Honey, I see your trouble. This man will change your life, please call him." And she handed her a little piece of paper that said Rob and my phone number on it. And like, oh, okay. And she goes, your assistant said I could come today, and your assistant said that I didn't need to pay you. I'm like, this is a great gig. Oh, I like this one. And I said, well, I'm sorry, but I'm booked today.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Oh, man.

Rob Wergin: I don't know what I'm gonna do. And so she's like, how about tomorrow? I'm like, no. Next day? No, I think I put her off like four or five days because I was scared to death. And the other thing was, she wouldn't tell me her name. She's like, I know about people like you. You're going to ask me my name, and then you're going to try to find out information about me, and you're going to pretend like you know stuff, but you really don't know. So I'm not going to tell you anything about me. I'm just going to show up. Like, this is really a good job so far. So anyway, I went and bought a used massage table in a garage sale. I bought some candles. I bought an annual CD because I thought that'd be cool. And that's, yeah, really cool. So she came to my house and I stuck my hand out and said: "Hi, I'm Robin." She goes, nice try. I'm not telling you who I am. And I'm like, if you told me now, I couldn't do anything anyway. But she wouldn't do it. And then she asked the $64 million question. She goes, how long have you been doing this? Anyway, you must have been doing this a while because you have an assistant. And I said: "Actually, you're the first person I've ever worked on." She started laughing. She goes, oh, that's really funny. I'm like, okay, I told you the truth. 

Anyway, so over the period of the next three weeks, my assistant who I'm sure it was an angel of some type would show up in various places around LA, and grocery stores, churches, all over the place and be with somebody that was in trouble and say the same thing. Please call this man, he'll help you. I never met her. I don't know who she is. I'm sure she was an angel. They were doing that to prove to me that I could be a vessel. I didn't have to do anything. I just needed to get out of my own way. That's how it started.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I'm fascinated with this experience.We wouldn't have spent the whole time on this. So the woman comes in, you have no idea what you're gonna do. I would like to know how that experience went.

Rob Wergin: Well, okay. I can tell you one thing. I had like a half a box of Kleenex packed under each armpit because I was sweating so hard and I was scared to death because I don't know anything. And so she comes in, and we go back to my massage table. And by the way, she's probably over 350 pounds so my mind is going crazy like she's gonna hop up on the massage table and it's going to collapse and she's going to sue you. I mean, my mind's going just like it does. And she lays down and she goes, what do you want me to do? And I'm like, lay down on your back, close your eyes. So I remember looking at me going, okay, you guys got me into this. They said, just put your hands under her head, fell or take a deep breath, put your hands, cradle her head. I'm like, okay. And as soon as I did that, this spirit showed up right next to the table. 

This guy, probably 65, seven years old in a black tuxedo, and hair slicked back, flower on his lapel and I'm like, who are you? And I'm like, I didn't say it out loud. And he said, tell Carolyn that her dad's here. I'm like, Carolyn. She goes, how do you know my name? Who told you my name? And I said: "Your dad, he's here." She goes, he's not here. He's dead. Well, he doesn't look dead to me. He's standing right next to you. And I'm like, wow, this is cool. I get to be a medium. I'm just gonna sit here and talk to dead people. I can do that. And so there was amazing healing that he said things to her that he needed to say to her. And she said things to him, she needed to say to him for a half an hour. So I was the in between. He could hear us, but she couldn't hear him. I'm like, wow, this is cool. And then a few minutes later, this young really handsome guy literally walks up the side of the table and pushes her dad out of the way. I'm like, oh, who are you? And he says, tell Carolyn that it's the love of her life. I'm like, okay. So I say that to her, and she starts screaming bloody murder. Why? All this stuff. And I'm, of course, afraid that somebody's going to hear a woman screaming in my house and call the police. That's my first reaction.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Of course.

Rob Wergin: Because I don't know what I'm doing.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That's a pretty viable first reaction.

Rob Wergin: And so coming to find out that is gonna be a really long story. They were the love of each other's lives, and they were together. They're living together. They were planning to get married. They're planning to have a family. They lived in Long Beach. This guy told me all this detail that it was a Saturday night and what time they were watching a movie, they got hungry so they ordered pizza right down the street. And she went out to get the pizza, left him in the apartment because they had a puppy and he thought he heard her at the door. So he opened the door and it was a Hispanic guy with a gun that pushed him back into his place and wanted to rob him. I can't remember her boyfriend's name, but he had a gun because they lived in Long Beach and reached under the cushion of the couch to try to protect himself and the guy just took his hand and popped him, killed him. So Carolyn comes home with the pizza and finds the love of her life on the floor holding a pistol and a bullet hole in his head. I mean, I can't even imagine. So over 10 years, she went from this beautiful young woman to this completely disabled, super heavy woman that just couldn't get over, couldn't figure out what she must have set her down to create that. And here's the guy standing next to her, talking to me, telling me the story that I'm telling her, and I'm watching her completely morph on the table. I mean, everything's changing about her because she understood what happened. She called the police and the police said we're busy. It's Saturday night. It's a suicide, we're gonna write it up as a suicide. Well, it wasn't. So that was my first.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Like, okay, this is gonna be exciting.

Rob Wergin: This is gonna be fun. So that's how it started. I just wept for hours after she left. I was confused and excited. All this adrenaline and all this fear, I mean, you can imagine. Within a couple of hours, the phone rang again. It was somebody else that was in Ralph's in the produce department and crying and my assistant just magically appeared and said: "Call his guy." So she's calling me. And there was an 18 year old kid in a church. I mean, it went on like that for two or three weeks and I'm going, okay, I'm getting the message.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: None of these people paid you?

Rob Wergin: No.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: This is interesting, God.

Rob Wergin: Because I didn't have any money. They were looking for my car to repossess it. I mean, I was poorer than poor after being a multimillionaire. So I was really struggling, and I was going through all this depression and all this stuff. So yeah, five bucks would have been helpful. But anyway, that went on and finally told me one day to move to Sedona. And so I moved to Sedona in July of 2003, had no idea what I was going to do. They just said, don't worry, we'll take care of you. And they did. And what I found in Sedona was that I was in my mid 50's. A guy that's in his mid 50's that's kind of soft spoken and seems really nice and he's in Sedona, he calls himself a healer. He must be really good. So I had this instant credibility. I only worked on maybe 10 people, but all of a sudden, I'm in Sedona and I'm like the new healer in town. Really that new healer.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah. Well, maybe I should stop coloring my hair then maybe I'll get famous.

Rob Wergin: So I was in Sedona for 14 months. What I realized was that they were training me because people were coming from all over the world and I was this guy in Sedona who looked okay. Like for one or two days, I'd see people that had childhood sexual abuse. And then for one or two days, I'd see people that had stage four cancer, then I would see people with chronic fatigue, or Crohn's disease, or this, or addictions, or that. And over the course of 14 months, I probably saw every possible affliction or addiction any human being could have. They were bringing people to me and showing me what they did. Not me because I wasn't doing anything. They were showing me how they worked with people with different diagnoses and how they were helping them be healed. So I was becoming very aware of organ systems, pathways, and energy pathways, and all these things I didn't know anything about. They were teaching me all that while I was watching because my clairvoyance was back. I was watching these beings work on people. And I'm again, I'm curious. I'm like, what are you doing? Why is that? What are you doing that for? What's that? Why are you doing that? And so I learned about energy medicine, I learned about all this amazing work by just participating in it, not doing it and asking a lot of questions. And also, I probably saw 400 people the first year. I mean, I don't know if people. I mean, I've had almost 300,000 appointments since then.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Wow. That's amazing.

Rob Wergin: That's a couple, huh?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, that's a lot. It's a bunch every day. And so obviously, to say you've honed your skills, you've learned over time, you've been given all this, and they really showed you how to do it. What an amazing, I think the most fascinating part of that is just what an amazing journey of faith.

Rob Wergin: True. Here's the other thing that for the first, probably five years that I was doing this work, my income per year average was probably $20,000. Living in Sedona on very little money, I didn't have any money. What I did have with some antiques, I still had a couple of really expensive watches, and so I was literally giving away for pennies on the dollar, all my material goods to pay rent. Somebody would come to my house, it'd be like, today, the 30th of the month. I'd be like, I don't have any money to pay rent and they would say, I really liked that painting on the wall. Where'd you get that? I'm like, oh, that's a really blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Do you really like it? And my wife would love it. I'm like, do you want to buy it? How much do you want for it? I'm like, make me an offer. So I might sell a $10,000 painting for 500 bucks and carry it out of the house and put it in the car. And so I literally had to sell everything I owned because I wasn't making enough money to live or eat, and I did that for like five years. Talk about trust, talk about faith. I was like, I had no idea where this was going. I had no idea if I was going to survive it. And in the meantime, just to make it fun, the IRS decided that they had this guy that was making millions of dollars a year and now he's not making anything filing a tax return with like 50 bucks on it. They came after me because they were convinced that I was hiding money. They filed tax liens, that they harass me and all this stuff. I'm like, take me, I don't have anything. I mean, I went through a lot of really intense times. The whole time steadfastly. I said, this is my life work. I'm not going to come off of it, I'm going to keep going, I'm gonna trust because I am seeing what's possible by watching them work. And if it's possible for them, they'll take care of me. If I'm one of their guys, they're gonna take care of me. I just have to learn to get completely out of the way, completely trust and have faith that they'll take care of me. And then it started turning after a few years. But boy, I would beg for food sometimes because I was so poor.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: What a fascinating story. It's kind of metaphorical too because those were the things that you had when you had money. All things pass away, all things become new. Get rid of the old to create a whole new energy too. Fascinating. That's how you lived.

Rob Wergin: I was completely, I used to say that I've been stripped naked. I've been stripped down to complete nakedness and given the opportunity to rebuild myself. And it took a long time.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, and then that ended up, I mean, I've seen other interviews with you. I mean, you've had hundreds of people around doing healings. I'd like to say that after I saw the documentary Heal, you would do these, have these rooms and it'd be like 30 massage tables in there and you would just go around. I think it was about an hour time and you would put your hands on everybody, probably like four or five times. And I will say, when I came out of there, I had an internal piece that was definitely different than when I walked in that room, and it's a piece that has stayed with me. I mean, we're on a continual evolution as well. I felt different, not temporarily. I was different, a different energy when I left after I went through that experience with you, so thank you.

Rob Wergin: You're welcome. I'm going to be 74 next month, and I'm ready to go another 20 years or so because I'm so grateful for what I get to do, and what I get to witness every day. I'm actually, if you look at a picture, if you look at me in the movie, I look older in the movie than I do now. That movie was filmed like six or seven years ago. So yeah, watch that movie. I watched it the other day just for fun and I'm like, oh, my god, I look like an old man. I'm being taken care of. Yeah, so I'm grateful. I'll do this as long as I can, and for as many people as I can. We've done a couple of calls sponsored by the Heal movie, and we've had over 10,000 people on those calls. Like people, how can you do 10,000 people at once? I'm like, because it's not me. I'm the conduit, I'm the go between. And I just know what's possible, and I believe it. And people say, well, what makes you different. I'm like, the only difference between me because I'm human. The only difference between me and you is I am 1,000% all in with faith, trust and belief. There is no doubt in my mind, not a shred of it. What derails people a lot is that they want to believe, but then there's as much doubt as they're wanting to believe in that derails a healing. So I believe. And if I ask God for something, I know it's gonna happen. I don't ask him for me. If I was working with you or a big group of people, I just ask God to give everybody their highest and best opportunity and get out of my own way.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That's amazing. Just believe, how simple is that? Remove all doubt, step one. It's not that hard. Sometimes, the brilliance is in simplicity, isn't it? And divinity is in simplicity.

Rob Wergin: Absolutely. And that's what I say to people all the time. We make this so hard, we make it so complex, we try to figure this stuff out. We make ourselves crazy. We're on Google and we're doing this, or we're doing that. Just boil it down to two or three words and keep it simple because it is. I mean, all of this is really simple. When you get your brain out of the way, you can't explain it. So don't try. Just trust it. And I say to people, what do you got to lose? Well, what you have to lose is your disease or your affliction, so give it a shot. That's all, nothing else worked. What do you have to lose? All the crap that you've been fighting?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: So I've been on some of your Tuesday night calls and spent a little bit. So it is fascinating. Because even though you could have, like on that event, you have 10,000 people from all around the world, everything you say applies to every individual. And you actually channel those beings. I mean, I remember that it's been a little while, but the introduction was like, hey, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to say, but you have this introduction letting people, it's just gonna come through me. And then all of a sudden, the wisdom of the universe pours through you. That's just being an open channel without like, say 1,000% faith. And when you have that faith, God works through, God's looking for just a crack in the door.

Rob Wergin: Exactly. Exactly. I want people to understand that I'm not some special guy. Whatever, I'm just as human as everybody else. The only difference is because of my experience over the last 19 years that I know it. I know it. Yeah. And I know that if you called me up and said, hey, I'm having a rough time. I'd say, I'll take care of it. I mean, all I would do is I'd ask God to be with you now and say thank you. That's it. I know that in the simple act of me doing that, that will happen. And exactly the right thing with you will happen. I'll get an email back from you said, I don't know what you did, but it was almost instantaneous. I feel different. How'd you do that? I just asked God to do it. Got all the way. I mean, say thank you. Somebody said, can you write a book about how to do this? I'm like, yeah, it'd be like one page long.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Wouldn't even need a table of contents.

Rob Wergin: Just like, here's how you do it. 1, 2, 3, say thank you.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That story reminds me of how Jesus raised Lazarus. That was it. His sister Martha says, hey, he's been in there four days to kind of steaks is, why don't you believe? What happened to your belief? It's three steps, which is really two steps. One, belief. Two, he says thank you. Thank you God that you're gonna do this. Thank you to these people who are watching. Thank you that I know you're doing it to show your presence. And then he commands. I mean, you just say thank you. I mean, that's it. Ask God and be in gratitude.

Rob Wergin: Exactly.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: It doesn't get much easier than that. We can all do that.

Rob Wergin: Yeah, everybody can do that. And people are like, well, how do I do that?

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: There's the problem. The problem was that question. Is that funny? It can't be that easy.

Rob Wergin: I know. People are like, it can't be that easy. But it is, trust me.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah. Sometimes we need to go to our lowest points just to surrender to that place.

Rob Wergin: I still get kicked down to my lowest point. There's been times in the last 19 years doing this work that I've had to go through too, and I know that that's part of my process because it keeps me humble. It keeps me in touch with what everybody else has gone through. So I'm not this guy sitting on a pillow humming kumbaya all day, and I don't have any issues. I have the same stuff everybody else does. And in fact, I think it's exaggerated with me because they want me to really understand what it feels like. And that's how I look at my life. I had many diagnoses for loss of disease. I tried to kill myself twice. I suffer with depression. I had panic attacks. I had a Fibromyalgia kind of thing, and migraine, headaches all the time. All that was really intense. And now, I look at it and go, now I know why. Because I don't care what you say to me when you come to me. Whether you've done drugs, or done this, or done that, or have this, or had that. I get it because I've done it. And so I have compassion. I don't have judgment. I have criticism. I like, okay, buddy, let's fix this together. We can do this. I know how you feel. I really do. I know that gives me a lot of credibility because people trust me because they know I care. Because I do. I care about every presence. I care about everybody.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Well, one of the things I've heard you say in another interview, which is so true. You live in the state. I'm sure there's moments where we have our humanity, but you live in the state of unconditional love and bliss. And when you experience that, you can intentionally get back to that state or remind yourself to get out of your mind, get in your heart, and you're in that state and God will work miracles through you just by being in that state.

Rob Wergin: Exactly. Yep.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Yeah, awesome. Well, I would love for everybody that's listening to this to be able to get a hold of you, to be able to go through one of your events even just to remind themselves who they are. You really are a representation of who everyone is. But like you said, it's easy. Have faith, ask God, give thanks. We can all do that. I think the more people that we can get to do that today, we can actually create heaven on earth, which is probably more needed today than any other time in history in my belief.

Rob Wergin:  Yeah. Let me just say one other thing that's part of that equation is that we have been taught as human beings to tell our story. So we go to the doctor, they hand you a piece of paper and say write down all the things that are wrong with you. So we walk around with all these labels stuck on us. You come to a healer and people want to tell me their story. And I'm like, I don't want your story. God doesn't need your story. God knows what to do. Yeah, but I'm like, no, stop, stop. You think you know what's wrong with you and you don't, and so just stop talking. Thinking about what you don't want and being in surrender and let God take care of you. And it's so hard for people to do that because they feel they're compelled. They gotta keep repeating their story. Oh, my god, my oncologist, my radiologist, my cancer, my support group. I'm like, stop.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That's powerful. Yeah. Well, how can people get a hold of you and find you?

Rob Wergin: So it's really pretty easy. I have a website, it's just my name, Rob Wergin, W-E-R-G-I-N.C-O-M, robwergin.com. There's a ton of stuff on there that you can grab for free. So there are seven channeled healing calls that you can download or listen to as often as you want through them, free. There's a beautiful forgiveness exercise on there that we all need to do probably once a week. There's angel cards that you can order that are beautiful, postcard size images of angels that have been encoded with the energy of the Divine so people can feel it then they show up in their mailbox. They're like, whoa, what's in the air? And you place them around your house, or wear them around your body, or use them however you want to.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: I'd like to comment on that. Because since I saw you in person, I have these big five gallon jugs of water. I put those under the water jugs to bless the water, and I also have my bed stands next to my bed. They make a difference.

Rob Wergin: Well, I mean, we get so many testimonials from people that have breast cancer or something, and they were with little business card size ones that put it in their bra, and their cancer goes away. Or they put it in their lower back, their back pain goes away. Or they put it on the pet dish and your dog isn't sick anymore. You put them under the mattress and you sleep better and your partner doesn't snore anymore.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: That's a miracle.

Rob Wergin: I should pay for that one. 90.95 and they'll stop your snoring. And if I haven't been in my body, when I go through TSA, it sets off the alarm so I know there's something in there, pretty fun.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Electromagnetic force in there.

Rob Wergin: So anyway, on my website, there's tons of stuff that's free. Look under healing tools, there's tons of videos on there from actual people that are given testimonials. All the testimonials are encoded with the energy that they received to cure them of whatever they came for. So there's power in those testimonials. So those are things that you can jump on the website. You mentioned the Tuesday night calls, we do a call three Tuesday nights a month. It's broadcast all over the world. It's a whopping $27 for an hour. We also do, I call him divine transmissions on Wednesday night where I just, it's overused, but I channel the masters and they talk through me with healing, teachings and things. We have small groups. One of the things about the pandemic that's been really cool is like everybody else, we've gone completely to Zoom. I used to travel 300 days a year but hundreds of thousands of miles on Delta and hundreds of thousands of points on Marriott. 

I haven't traveled for two years. And the beauty is we had a session a little while ago. I had somebody from Russia there, I have people from New Zealand, have almost every country in the world is able to access his work now because of Zoom. And I like it because you don't have to fly to Boston, rent a car, get out of the airport, find the hotel, find a place to park, blah, blah, blah and spend all that money. You just turn on your computer. So not only is it more accessible, it's like 70% cheaper than it used to be because I backed out all my travel costs. So it's really accessible. We have lots of programs. We also have what we call weekend immersions, which is three hours on Friday, four hours on Saturday, three hours on Sunday of really deep healing and teaching. People come out of there with miracles and there'll be four or 500 people in there. So there's lots of different ways you can approach this. But just try the stuff that's on air for free. You don't have to spend any money, play the calls. A lot of people play the calls at night. They go to bed, turn it on at very low volume, they sleep better than they've ever slept because they're getting worked on while they're sleeping. And so you don't have to like to schedule a healing time. Just put it on at night. Put it in your kid's room, the kids sleep better.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Let me give a testimonial to that because when I was doing these calls more consistently, I would go to sleep with as many of those calls I never made to the end of the calls. Or if I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason, then I will put those calls on. I mean, like you’re intended, what it does is it puts you in a state of peace.

Rob Wergin: Exactly.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Then when you wake up stressed and you go back into peace, you fall right asleep. And so I would definitely go on though. So it's Rob Wergin, W-E-R-G-I-N. That's robwergin.com.

Rob Wergin: And there's a lot of stuff on, just cruise through it and see what to think. I'm available a lot more than I used to be because we're doing Zooms. We're going to go out and do some live events here, a few this year just to see how it feels. But it's mostly Zoom, because why not? It's less money and it's easier for everybody.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Nice. Well, thank you so much for giving us your time, and truly an honor not only for me, but truly an honor for the people that are listening and watching this. And definitely go to his website and let's create a transformation in all of us together.

Rob Wergin: Let's do it. That's what we're here for. So yeah, thank you too.

Dr. Fred DiDomenico: Exactly. All right, thanks, guys. Subscribe to these on YouTube, and please share and look for the next podcast.